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NEXT FWA Meeting is on Friday 6th September. The talk will be given  by our Archivist Heidi Mcintosh and the topic will be

"Habitual Drunkards, Felons and Incorrigible Rogues: Tales from the Wolverhampton Court of Quarter Sessions"

The talk is free to members and £3 for non members.

Please note there will be no August meeting.

Note: From September onwards, the monthly meetings are moving to Fridays and will be held in the Rococo Room on the ground floor. The first meeting will be on Friday 6th September at 11.00.

Wolverhampton Archives is a treasure trove of local history.

It holds collections of historical documents, deeds and records providing information about our past. These are our collective memories, allowing society to hold government and organisations to account.

These help us explore our identities, underpin research, inspire creativity and they connect generations with our stories from the past, to the present, to the future. Archive records available to the public help us to keep history alive.

Friends of Wolverhampton Archives,  and Local Studies are an independent group promoting, supporting and  encouraging interest in the work of the Archives.

FWA host Monthly meetings with guest speakers on local historical topics of interest, Family history sleuthing courses for beginners and packed monthly members newsletters - visit our join us page for membership.